Intellectual property rights

All copyrights, trademarks and any other intellectual property rights in all texts, images or other materials on this website are owned by the Killer Group or included with the permission of the rightful owner. No part of this website may be reproduced for sale or distributed in exchange for commercial gain, nor may it be modified or incorporated into any other works, publications or websites. The trademarks, logos, characters and other service marks (collectively, “brands”) appearing on this website belong to the Killer Group. You may not use/misuse any brands appearing on this website, or in any other context on this website, except as stated herein. The CRIs-Tim Group will actively exercise its intellectual property rights in all matters protected by law.

Warranties and terms

This website is provided to you “as it is” and “as it is made available”. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate without prior notice at any time your access to this website or any section or part thereof. The terms “Killer”, “Killer Group”, “we”, “our/our/our/our/our” and the brands/brands appearing on this website refer to the Killer Group and any of its affiliated companies, as the context requires. “You/you” refers to any person who accesses and/or uses this website.

Accuracy and timeliness of the information

While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website, we do not assume responsibility if the information available on this website is not accurate or complete. Any reference to the material on this website will be at your own risk. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor any changes to the material and information on this website.


Any communication or non-personal material transmitted to this website by electronic mail or otherwise, including here any information, questions, comments, suggestions or other similar information will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. Everything you transmit or ship becomes the property of the Killer Group and can be used for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, dissemination or mailing.
In addition, the Killer Group is free to use for any purpose (including, but not limited to, the development, manufacture, advertising and marketing of products) any idea, art work, invention, development project, suggestion or concept contained in any communication transmitted through this website. No such use shall involve compensation to third parties who have transmitted the information. By submitting this information, you also guarantee that you are the owner of the material/content transmitted, that this material/content is not defamation and that its use by the Killer Group does not infringe the rights of any third party or any other applicable law. The Killer group has no obligation to use the information received.

Legal liability

Killer Group and/or any other party involved in the creation, execution or presentation of this website on our behalf will have no legal or other liability for any direct, incidental, indirect, damage, costs, loss or liability, special or punitive which may result from your access, use, inability to use, change of the content of this website, or from your access to another website through a link on this website or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, as a result of the actions we take or not following any e-mail message you send.

The Killer group and/or any other party involved in the creation, the execution or presentation of this website shall have no responsibility for maintaining the materials and services available through this website or for submitting any changes, updates or other communications relating thereto. Any material on this website is subject to change without notice.

Furthermore, the Killer Group will have no legal or other liability for any loss suffered as a result of viruses that may affect your computer or any other property for using, access or download any material from this website. If you decide to download any material from this website, you do it at your own risk. To the maximum extent provided by applicable law, you expressly waive any claim to the Killer Group or its representatives, directors, employees, suppliers or programrs, claims that may result from your use or access to this website.

Prohibited activities

It shall be prohibited to carry out any act which the Killer Group may at its sole discretion, may consider it inappropriate and/or may be considered unlawful or prohibited by any law applicable to this website, including but not limited to:

Any act which constitutes a breach of both confidentiality (including loading of private information without the consent of the person concerned) and any other legal right of the person;
Use of this website to defamate or defamate the Killer Group, its employees or other individuals, Or behavior in a way that could affect the Killer Group’s good reputation.
Uploading files containing viruses that could damage Killer Group properties or other people’s properties;
The display on or transmission to this website of any unauthorized material including, but not limited to, Materials which, in our opinion, could cause inconvenience or be defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic or illicit, being detrimental to or in breach of the Killer Group’s or third party security systems or networks.

The products of the Killer Group, the materials, offers and information appearing on this site are intended for customers and users in Romania. The Killer Group does not guarantee that the products and content of this website are compatible with or available in locations other than Romania. Please contact our local distributor for more information about product availability in your country. The products appearing on this site are only visual representations and, as such, they do not constitute their true size, packaging, You and the Killer Group agree that any controversy or claim arising from or in connection with the use of this website will be governed by Romanian law and will be submitted exclusively to the courts of Bucharest, Romania.

Privacy Policy

Our website address is:


  1. According to the requirements of Law No 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as well as the provisions of Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR).
    Killer SRL (hereinafter ‘Killer’) has an obligation to manage safely and only for the specified purposes, Personal data provided to us by users, customers and participants in Killer promotions, contests and campaigns.
  2. We receive and store the information you enter on the Site when: an order, join promotions, competitions and campaigns to make the winners available. report to us by complaints/suggestions on the quality of the products provided by Killer;
    2.3.submit proposals for partnership or collaboration;
    2.4.apply for a job in our society, Or within one of the companies of the Killer group;
    2.5.we issue fidelity or discount cards to you.
    Personal data may also be collected from sources such as: Third-party data aggregators, Killer partners, public sources and third-party social networking sites, online platforms (if the customer agrees to communicate his personal data to Killer).

Personal data may also be collected from sources such as: Third-party data aggregators, Killer partners, public sources and third-party social networking sites, online platforms (if the customer agrees to communicate his personal data to Killer).

  1. As a result of these actions, you can provide us with information such as:

Your surname and first name;
Address/place of business/domicile/residence;
Identity card identification
E-mail addresses;
Telephone numbers;
Data provided in the CV.

  1. The purpose of data collection is to:

enroll in promotions/competitions/campaigns;
Designation and information of successful participants in Killer’s campaigns and competitions;
the delivery of prizes and the payment of related taxes;
delivering/replacing products to customers who have expressed dissatisfaction with our products;
Promotion and intermediation of Killer services;
in statistical form, market research, transaction tracking and monitoring and customer behavior;
Sending regular newsletters and/or alerts using the means of distance communication (e-mail, SMS, notification),
Hiring candidates submitting the data via the CV, on the basis of their consent [link TO THE CONSENT FORM FOR SUBMITTING the CV, OR TO HTML SECTION OF THE SITE]

  1. We receive and store certain types of information each time you interact with us. As I said, we use “cookies” and obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of Killer on other websites. Find out more details in the cookie policy.
  2. Killer may also provide the personal data of customers of other companies with which it is in a partnership relationship, but only pursuant to a privacy statement from them and only for the purposes hereunder terms and conditions, by which the third party guarantees that such data are kept safe and that the provision of such personal information is made in accordance with the applicable legislation, as follows: marketing service providers, payment/banking service providers or other services, provided by companies with which we can develop joint market bidding programs for our products and services.
  3. Killer will release personal information when required for compliance with the law and/or at the request of the competent authorities; in order to implement the terms and conditions of use; to protect Killer’s ownership or security, our customers or others. This includes the exchange of information with other companies and organizations to protect and reduce the risk from fraud. These cases do not include selling, renting, sharing, or otherwise disclosing personal identification information from customers for commercial purposes in violation of the terms and conditions.
  4. In addition to the above, you will receive a notification when your information may be passed on to third parties and you will have the option of choosing not to distribute the information.
  5. If you do not want to use the personal information we collect to enable service optimization or to allow third-party collaborators to customize the ads we display to you, please adjust your advertising preferences.
  6. The help feature in most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to inform your browser when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable all cookies. In addition, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ins, such as Flash cookies, by changing the add-in settings or by visiting the manufacturer’s website. Because cookies allow you to take advantage of some of the essential features of the site, we recommend that you leave this feature active.
  7. By using the site and accepting the terms and conditions you are aware that you are guaranteed the rights provided by law, namely the right to information, the right of access to data, the right of intervention, the right of opposition, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, The right to bring you to justice in case of violation of the rights guaranteed by Law No. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
  8. Upon a written request, dated, signed and sent to the Killer contact address, you may ask you to be confirmed that your personal data is being processed or not [link to the data subject’s rights exercise form].
  9. Upon written request, dated, Signed and sent to Killer’s contact address, you can exercise your rights under law, namely:

to be informed about the processing of your personal data, according to the law;
access to your personal data;
to intervene on your personal data;
not to be subject to an individual automatic decision;
to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request rectification, updating or erasure of data under legal conditions- in the case of personal data processed for direct marketing purposes, this right may be exercised at any time, free of charge and without justification;
to address you to the courts if violations of the relevant legislation have been found.